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其他資料列表: 1.PeaceLink - Homepage www.peacelink.it Contiene news, informazioni, recensione libri, database di associazioni, elenco BBS fidolike, mailing list tematiche, newsletter, dossier sui temi del volontariato ... www.peacecorps.gov "The Peace Corps experience is truly like none other and will be something you will take with you for the rest of your life." Drake Mayo, Peace Corps Volunteer www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace "Is there a list of all of the nominees for this year's Nobel Peace Prize?" Olav Njølstad, Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, answers frequently asked ... internationaldayofpeace.org The International Day of Peace, also known as Peace Day, was brought into being by United Nations Resolutions in 1981 and 2001. Each year, hundreds of students take ... www.usip.org The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) was established by Congress in 1984 as an independent, federally-funded national security institution devoted to the ... |
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